
How To Link YouTube Channel To Google AdSense | Monetize YouTube Channel

How To Link YouTube Channel To AdSense : What is Google AdSense? And how you can make money by linking your YouTube channel to AdSense . H ow to monetize a YouTube channel . And we will know all the information related to Google AdSense in this article.  How To Link YouTube Channel To AdSense | Monetize YouTube Channel What is Google Adsense Google adsense is basically a program that Google runs. Like Google ads. So what happens to ads is that an advertiser runs their campaign there. There are different types of YouTube videos, there are websites, there are different types of online content, they are run on Google ads as an ads. What is Google Adsense Account Whatever the online content, whether I'm talking about YouTube videos, whether it's talking about websites, whether it's Google Maps, there are ads according to the interests of your audience, the likes and dislikes of your audience. The job is to keep the Google adsense program. And as a creator, how many ads...

Basic Information of a Website

Basic Information of a Website : Today we are going to talk about what is the basic information of website for SEO .  What is webpage , how to make a website ,  what is a website , what is HTML and CSS in a website  etc. Today we are going to talk in detail about Javascript JS and website hosting . Basic Information of a Website | What is a Website Website Basic Information One question that is often asked is, if you want to be an SEO expert, do you need to know about web development? . So I would like to answer that no it is not compulsory. But there are some things you should know about a website. Because that's what you're doing ultimately in SEO. In SEO you are optimizing your website according to Search Engines. In today's article we will know the basic information of the website which will make your base of SEO even clearer. Today I am going to talk about the basic information of a website. In this day and age, if we are going to ...

Importance of Backlinks for SEO

In today's article we will talk about what is the importance of Backlinks in SEO , wat role do backlinks play in search engine optimization , what are backlinks , what backlinks work for any website , how important are backlinks for any website these days , what Google says about creating Backlinks and whether or not we should create backlinks for our website, full details in this article. Importance of Backlinks for SEO | What is a backlink? What does Google say about Backlinks Many Google algorithms say that we should not focus on backlinks. But SEO experts advise us to create some backlinks. So what do you do now. Now follow the Google algorithm or follow the trend that is coming. In this article today we will talk about the same thing. What is a backlink? Speak in very simple language so a backlink is basically a link on one website to another website .  That is, if A is a website a nd if there is a link on website A to website B then backlink to website B on we...

What is Schema Markup

In today's article we are going to talk about what is Schema Markup and what is Schema Markup in SEO . Schema Markup is a very important factor of technical SEO. What is Schema Structured Data Markup ?  Why do we apply Schema Markup on our websites ?  Why is Schema Markup important for SEO ?. In today's article we will learn all these things.  What is Schema Markup What is Schema Structured Data Markup Schema Markup is part of an advance SEO . What is Schema Markup?  Schema Markup is a method of structuring data . Now for that we have to understand what is structure data? Because many people get confused in Schema Markup and Schema Structure. Schema Markup is a kind of structure data. Structure data is basically a systematically data that easily understands various machine learning algorithms . Because in appearance we are human beings, we understand different languages. Similarly, different search engines work on different languages, under...

Top Secrets To Grow Your YouTube Channel

Today in this article we will learn how to grow a YouTube channel and talk about the top secrets to grow a YouTube channel . Friends, you have been working on YouTube for years. Tired of making videos. But on the same topic on which you are uploading videos to your YouTube channel, a new YouTube channel comes up in front of you on which 10 videos are uploaded and that new channel goes viral. What's up with YouTube? Is there any research on YouTube?  How new channels on YouTube suddenly go viral. I have been working on YouTube for many months on this topic. But my YouTube channel is not growing. Today we are going to talk about all these questions. You will learn a lot in this article. Top Secrets To Grow Your YouTube Channel How New Channels Go Viral on YouTube Let's say I've been working with consistency on YouTube for the last 6 months. I'm constantly uploading videos to my YouTube channel in a very genuine way. And all of a sudden I see that a new channel h...

What is SEO

On Google, ranking your website article on the first page on a particular keyword is called SEO . The full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization . Millions of people around the world are making thousands of dollars doing SEO . Now you can do SEO for your website or you can earn good money for SEO of any of your client's website.  SEO is not just about the website, if you have a YouTube channel, and you upload videos to your YouTube channel, you can also SEO your YouTube channel videos and you can bring your videos to the first page of YouTube. What is SEO | Where SEO works Where SEO works If you want to get your article into Google search then you have to learn SEO and then SEO your articles. If you do not SEO your articles, you will never be able to get your article in Google search list .  Keywords now play a major role in SEO . For example, the article you are writing on your website , and the article in which you are using the keyword , if people do...