How To Link YouTube Channel To Google AdSense | Monetize YouTube Channel

How To Link YouTube Channel To AdSense : What is Google AdSense? And how you can make money by linking your YouTube channel to AdSense . H ow to monetize a YouTube channel . And we will know all the information related to Google AdSense in this article. How To Link YouTube Channel To AdSense | Monetize YouTube Channel What is Google Adsense Google adsense is basically a program that Google runs. Like Google ads. So what happens to ads is that an advertiser runs their campaign there. There are different types of YouTube videos, there are websites, there are different types of online content, they are run on Google ads as an ads. What is Google Adsense Account Whatever the online content, whether I'm talking about YouTube videos, whether it's talking about websites, whether it's Google Maps, there are ads according to the interests of your audience, the likes and dislikes of your audience. The job is to keep the Google adsense program. And as a creator, how many ads...